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Wedding Gallery and Accolades
Hey Don, how are you. I hope all is well. Our wedding was great. The dance was terrific. As you said we didn't notice anyone else in the room. Mike was very smooth. Thanks for the advice to do a test run. I was stepping all over my dress so the staff at Westbury Manor pinned me up. Thank God that woman had safety pins. I attached two pictures. Our form was good. I think we did you proud. We hope to continue with lessons at some point. We really enjoyed it. Stay well. .
Mike and Eileen
Wow, you were right! I'm glad I didn't bet you on my 2 left feet. We got out there and could have danced all night. Adar and I felt like we were dancing on a cloud. It couldn't have been a more lovely experience. Your patience in teaching us made all the difference. We thought a dance lesson was a dance lesson. We now know what you mean. Not all instructors are the same. Thanks for sharing this wonderful skill with us. I'm sure we'll be dancing for many years to come.
Sam and Adar
Dear Don, I am sorry that I missed the chance to dance with you at the convention; truly, it was my loss. More importantly, I wanted to thank you for the most positive dance class I've ever had the pleasure of attending. In the past, most of my instructors were hypercritical and strove to inspire the class to work harder with insults and negativism which only made me feel glaringly inadequate on the dance floor. Some are dancers, some are teachers of dance - it is the rare few who can honestly claim title to being both, you are one. Thank you again for a wonderful Saturday afternoon. Melissa |
Ann and Shaun